OpenGeo . tech
Created by Stefano Cudini as a showcase of projects and works about open source geospatial technologies.
Curriculum Vitae - Web Developer
This space is a playground where the more adventurous visitors can play
around with prototypes of some wild and crazy ideas and offer
feedback directly to the author who developed them.
Most of the projects is freely available on GitHub
distributed under open source license.
Follow @zakis
( this website online since 2013 , previously known as . While many open-source libs may still reference the old domain, the content and author have remained unchanged )
If any of these open source solutions help your work and saved you time consider sending a donation
The open source full-stack geosocial network platform
Geospatial data picker via fast http rest interface
Minimal Single Service Interface of Pelias Geocoder in Nodejs
Magic utility that extract javascript global variables from a remote html page.
Advanced service of bookmarking with folksonomy
Leaflet Control for searching markers/features by attribute on map or remote searching in jsonp/ajax
Leaflet Control Layers extended for group of layers and icons legend
A Dynamic Leaflet Layer that load/filter dinamically JSON data from Ajax/Jsonp, with caching
Leaflet Control plugin for tracking gps position, with more options
A leaflet control plugin to make simple rotating compass
NodeJs daemon for remote data acquisitions from mobile devices
GPS tracking system of remote multiple devices and tracks spatial search
Online Simplifier and Optimizer for GPX tracks.
Lightweight database-less Gallery written in PHP/Javascript
Simple location picker with Leaflet map
Leaflet Control for select GeoJSON properties in a interactive menu and map
Search elements in Bootstrap lists
A simple button to confirm a task, inline unobtrusive button confirmation
Chess game multiplayer online via websocket
Share and Embedding GPX tracks online
Simple control to show a gif loader to the center of the map
Leaflet Control for listing visible markers/features in a interactive box
Simple and interactive JSON beatifier online
command-line interface for d-link sharecenter dns-320
A static site generator to create an Hub to organizing a set of NPM packages by keywords
This webapp has itself been created with LabsHub a modern software for organizing NPM packages by keywords.