Senior full stack developer, permanent smartworking contract.
Front-end geospatial developer for data science visualization In support of the Digital Commons Lab
research unit with the aim of designing, developing and analyzing digital commons based on open data .
FBK Unit Profile
Design and implementation of Web GIS
components using OpenStreetMap data and other open data sources .
Implementation of interactive data visualization forms based on D3.js (Data-Driven Documents).
Mainly dedicated to the integration within the City Enabler for Digital Urban Services (CEDUS) project
of support tools for the choice of school by students in Italy with particular attention to Trentino. All code was developed under open source licenses :
Design and creation of a new personal open source project.
KeplerJs a framework for creating geosocial networks based on open data .
Made in NodeJs with websockets technology for data exchange and MongoDB for storage.
Particular attention was paid to the architectural design, the framework, in addition to the basic functions that simplify the development of interactive webgis
platforms , is composed of reusable and interdependent modules
that allows customization and further development of new plugins also by third parties .
The compositional logic then allows you to widely customize the user experience via configuration.
Consultancy and training activities for the use of the framework for small business activities and Social Promotion Association.
Javascript/Python programmer consultant on the Open Source Fenix Platform framework and system administrator of Red Hat production and development servers.
Design and implementation of various Web GIS platforms for remote sensing data.
Implementation of web-mapping
components in LeafletJS with AMD (Asynchronous module definition) specifications and distribution optimization with Webpack .
Configuration/administration of test and production
GeoServer and PostgreSQL instances.
Javascript/Python programmer consultant on the open source framework Fenix Platform and system administrator of Red Hat production and development servers.