Name and surname
Stefano Cudini
Date of birth
April 1982
Social Media
Geospatial Open Source Developer

  • Full Stack Web GIS developer
  • Javascript / NodeJs , Bash , Python , PHP programmer
  • GNU/Linux / Devops system engineer
  • Languages: Javascript (browser, server, cli), PHP , Python , Bash scripting , GraphQL , SQL, OverpassQL
  • Formats and Protocols: OGC standards, YAML, OpenStreetMap, JSON-Schema, JSON/P, ProtoBuf, AMQP, JSON-RPC, GeoJSON, XHTML, HTML5, Markdown, CSS3, XML, OJP
  • Librerie e Framework: NodeJs, Fastify, Express, LeafletJs, jQuery, MeteorJs, Bootstrap, TurfJs, Openlayers, TelegrafJs, OpenRefine, D3.js, Highcharts
  • Databases and Brokers: MongoDB , RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ , Postgresql/ Postgis , MySQL/MariaDb, Sqlite, ElasticSearch, Redis
  • Servers and daemons: Nginx , Lighttpd, Apache , PHP-FPM, Postfix, Exim4, Fail2Ban
  • GIS software: Qgis , OpenTripPlanner , VROOM , Pelias Geocoder , Gdal, Geoserver , Google Earth Engine, Josm
  • Development Tools: Git , SublimeText, VSCode, tmux, vscode, Jupyter , NPM , Webpack , Grunt, Yarn, Chrome DevTools
  • Tools Workflow: Github , ClickUp , Jira, Trello
  • Cryptographic Tools: OpenSSH , GnuPG , OpenSSL , Cryptsetup, Age, Veracrypt, Yubikey
  • DevOps: Docker / Docker Compose
  • Cad and Graphics: AutoCAD , CorelDraw, Inkscape, Gimp
  • Virtualization: VirtualBox
  • AI Tools: ChatGPT 4
  • Operating Systems: Excellent knowledge of Debian GNU/Linux Server , Ubuntu Desktop

Personal projects

  • GeoPicker

    An extensive and fast Rest API in NodeJs with GDAL bindings and Fastify
  • KeplerJs platform

    Full-stack and open-source geosocial networking platform in NodeJs .

    Advanced bookmarking service with folksonomy in PHP, PostgreSql , Javascript.
  • Leaflet Plugins

    Popular Leaflet plugins for search, layer rendering, advanced front-end interaction for webgis applications and geospatial data loading.
  • Tracks Optimizer online

    Online service to optimize GPX/KML/GeoJSON traces with RDP reduction algorithm .
  • Track GPS Network

    Realtime tracking system , Postgis storage , Openlayers front-end .
  • Ultra Light Gallery

    Photo Gallery Wysiwyg in PHP / jQuery with modular architecture .

Professional experience

At your place
January 2021 - present

Senior full stack developer, permanent smartworking contract.

  • Mentor Mobility platform
    MENTOR project financed by the Interreg-VA Italy-Switzerland programme, coordinated by the Municipality of Merano and created in collaboration with the NOI Techpark . With the aim of encouraging the use of ecological means of transport for the first time in small localities in the Alps - innovative forms of mobility according to the MAAS (Mobility-as-a-Service) concept .
    Consisting of numerous microservices with Docker/NodeJs technology and advanced webgis front-end in React . Integration with a multi-modal calculation system via the OpenTripPlanner routing engine on public transport data from Alto Adige/Südtirol. and numerous sources from the OpenDataHub platform including: real-time bike-sharing , car-sharing , car-pooling , parking and local DRT data. [Github project]
  • OJP/OpenTripPlanner - Middleware
    Complete design and implementation of the open source project following the OJP (Open API for distributed Journey Planning) protocol specifications defined within the European LinkingAlps project co-financed by through the Interreg Alpine Space
    program The project involved the creation of an OJP Passive System that interfaces with the OpenTripPlanner multimodal routing engine for the calculation of intermodal routes and the search for public transport data from various transport agencies on the borders of Italy, Switzerland and Austria.
    [Github project]
    [Project outline]
  • Muoversi in Piemonte portal
    Customized instance of the Pelias open source geocoder and data integration on ElasticSearch for searching house numbers, streets and points of interest from OpenStreetMap and other custom data sources. Data update and backup pipeline on AWS cloud platform. Implementation of configurable Rest API on Docker/NodeJs microservices for sharing GBFS , parking, bike-sharing and GTFS Park & ​​Ride data.

  • DRT (Demand Responsive Transport) on-demand transport system with management of vehicle fleets and multiple reservations in real time. Customization of the OpenRouteService Routing Engine and integration into microservices in the corporate infrastructure of the open source VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem ) engine Vroom .
  • Tourist infomobility platform
    Back-end services and WebApp in advanced React-Leaflet with filter and search functionality regarding the dissemination of infomobility in the area affected by the Madonna di Campiglio Tourism Company and the areas of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park relating to the public transport service and the shuttle service by reservation. Dissemination of detailed information relating to the real-time occupancy status of geo-referenced car parks and integration with external e-commerce for the purchase of tickets.
  • European Meridian Project
    Design of the microservices system of the Data Collector component responsible for the collection, management and dissemination of data and of the multimodal route calculation module of the digital infrastructure to support integrated management of the Brenner corridor traffic.
    Creation of the Rest API for the Meridian Digital Infrastructure.
    Technologies used: Docker, Nodejs, Fastify , Redis , Mongodb, JSON-schema, OpenApi, Swagger .
Full Time in SmartWorking
Lucian srl
Via delle Laste 12, Mori, Trento

Professional experience

At your place
February 2018 - December 2020

Front-end geospatial developer for data science visualization In support of the Digital Commons Lab research unit with the aim of designing, developing and analyzing digital commons based on open data .
FBK Unit Profile

Design and implementation of Web GIS components using OpenStreetMap data and other open data sources .
Implementation of interactive data visualization forms based on D3.js (Data-Driven Documents).
Mainly dedicated to the integration within the City Enabler for Digital Urban Services (CEDUS) project
of support tools for the choice of school by students in Italy with particular attention to Trentino. All code was developed under open source licenses : Github

  • Geospatial search of school buildings
    [Github project]
  • Visualization of data on ISTAT professions and ISFOL skills
    [Github project]
  • Custom instance of the open source Pelias geocoder on the Docker platform , integrated with Elasticsearch to search for house numbers, streets and points of interest from OpenStreetMap. [Github Project]

  • Development of Pelias importer for house numbers and streets from Open Data sources of some local administrations in Trentino Alto Adige.
    [Github project]
  • Multi-container Docker application for optimizing the routing of waste collection vehicle fleets, consisting of:
    customized instance of the open source Routing Engine OpenRouteService
    customized instance of the VRP ( Vehicle Routing Problem ) Solver engine Vroom Python
    script in Jupyter environment for the tests on the case study data integrated with the OpenStreetMap road graph [Github project]
    VROOM is able to optimize vehicle routes based on the shortest routes calculated by Routing Engines such as ORS or OSRM. This offers many possibilities for use in many Logistics and traffic applications involving an entire fleet of vehicles.
  • Other Projects:
    Map of Trento waters
    Map of streets with confusing names
Frequented courses
  • Cloud Architectures and Applications on Azure
  • Python for Data Science
  • Basic Safety - General training
  • Basic Safety - Specific training
Full Time onsite and SmartWorking
Bruno Kessler Foundation Research Center
Division: Information and Communication Technology
Unit: Digital Commons Lab

Via Sommarive 18, Povo, Trento

Personal project

At your place
January 2017 - December 2017

Design and creation of a new personal open source project.
KeplerJs a framework for creating geosocial networks based on open data .
Made in NodeJs with websockets technology for data exchange and MongoDB for storage.

Particular attention was paid to the architectural design, the framework, in addition to the basic functions that simplify the development of interactive webgis
platforms , is composed of reusable and interdependent modules that allows customization and further development of new plugins also by third parties . The compositional logic then allows you to widely customize the user experience via configuration.

Consultancy and training activities for the use of the framework for small business activities and Social Promotion Association.

Professional experience

At your place
July 2016 - January 2017

Javascript/Python programmer consultant on the Open Source Fenix ​​Platform framework and system administrator of Red Hat production and development servers.
Design and implementation of various Web GIS platforms for remote sensing data. Implementation of web-mapping
components in LeafletJS with AMD (Asynchronous module definition) specifications and distribution optimization with Webpack . Configuration/administration of test and production GeoServer and PostgreSQL instances.

Full Time onsite and SmartWorking
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations

Information Technology Division (CIO)

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome

Professional experience

At your place
September 2014 - July 2016

Javascript/Python programmer consultant on the open source framework Fenix ​​Platform and system administrator of Red Hat production and development servers.

Frequented courses
  • Basic Security In The Field II
Full Time on site
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations

Statistics Division (ESS)
Economic and Social Development Department

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome

Professional experience

At your place
August 2013 - January 2014
  • System administrator, PHP/Javascript programmer on the Telemetry System :
  • Platform server configuration/ administration, with Debian GNU/Linux OS
  • Design and implementation of the data acquisition system ( NodeJS daemon ):
    GPS Data Server
  • Implementation of the back-end interface for real-time monitoring of the GPS Data Server :
  • Layout redesign and integration with jQuery UI :
  • Various optimizations in graph management
Part Time in SmartWorking
Bibbiani Agricultural Machinery
Via Aldo Moro 2, Le Badesse Industrial Area Monteriggioni, Siena

Professional experience

At your place
September 2012 - January 2013
  • Javascript programmer for the Mapstore project : ( Github )
  • Front-end customization of GeoExplorer with GeoExt library
  • Various integrations: GoogleEarth, GoogleShortner, printing, social sharing, i18n
  • Management in the User Manager
Full Time in SmartWorking
GeoSolutions sas

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187, Massarosa, Lucca

Professional experience

At your place
December 2011 - February 2012
Part Time in SmartWorking

Via Valle Cupa 8, Viterbo

Professional experience

At your place
February 2010 - July 2010
  • PHP/MySQL/Javascript Programmer, Webdesigner
  • Design and development of interactive interfaces (based on jQuery/Ajax)
    for the presentation of statistical research on regional Istat data
  • Design of data archiving and cataloging on MySql database .
Part Time in SmartWorking
IRES Lucia Morosini Association

Via Carlo Pedrotti 5, Turin

Professional experience

At your place
February 2008 - May 2008
  • PHP programmer, Web designer, for the new cinema portal:
  • Optimization of all html and css code
  • Programming in PHP on MVC Codeigniter framework
Full Time on site
NetAddiction srl

Via Archiemede 19, Terni

Professional experience

At your place
December 2007 - April 2008
  • PHP, Javascript programmer
  • Redesign of the company CMS with modular architecture:
  • Development of the corporate CMS with modular architecture
Part Time on site
E-volving, business integration

Via del Maglio 6, Terni

Professional experience

At your place
April 2006 - February 2007
  • PHP/MySQL programmer of the portal and network:
  • Optimization and optimization of the php code in the most important sections of the portal
  • Administration and configuration of the internal LAN at the company headquarters, shares/users/printers/backups.
  • SEO optimization and specific indexing for the search engine
  • Design and programming of various backoffice sections of the portal and database
  • Design and programming of innovative solutions for backoffice management of articles with Ajax , jQuery
  • Complete creation of some new parts of the portal, including an internal search engine for registered users
  • Web Services Programming (SOAP) for communication with third-party servers (H3G and TRE)
  • Installation of the company management software ( Gestionaleopen ) on a virtualized platform in the XEN environment
  • RSS Feed engine programming, categorization and binding with the portal databases
  • Integration of different parts of the portal with the SMARTY and AdoDB php libraries
  • Creation of a server with centralized control for viewing videos on screens within the company.
  • Collaboration in the installation and wiring of part of the hardware present in the webfarm, server installation of Debian GNU/Linux OS
Full Time on site
NetAddiction srl

Via Archiemede, 19 Terni

Other professional experiences

Ammappalitalia - routes and tracks from country to country

  • Javascript and PHP programming
  • Implementation of the web mapping system used for route visualization
  • Real-time publication system of geospatial data - ​​cycle tourism route sharing platform:

  • Javascript programming Web Mapping system with LeafletJS
  • Web-mapping embedding of GPX tracks
  • Geocoding on OpenStreetMap data source
  • Interface implementation for POI (Place Of Interest) management
Abramomax - real estate

  • Web designer, Graphic designer
  • Creation of the portal layout
  • Company logo graphics

Non-professional experiences

At your place
September 2005
La Siviera - social workshop

  • Winner of the competition for the creation of the web portal
    called the Volunteer Service Center of the province of Terni
  • Design, development of the CMS and complete creation of the graphics
  • Backoffice programming for the publication of articles/appointments/events
  • Creation of an engine for managing national news based on RSS feeds
At your place
March 2003
Web portal - Faculty of Computer Engineering UniPG
branch office "Citta' di Orvieto" Study Center

  • Web designer
  • PHP/Flash programmer
At your place
June 2000
UTEC Narni Speleological Group

  • First PHP/MySQL programming experience
  • webmaster
At your place
Webmaster, first personal website

Education and training

At your place
July 2001
High school diploma obtained at the L.Allievi State Industrial Technical Institute of Terni
as "Industrial Electrical Technician Expert: specialized in Automation"
At your place
September 2001
Enrolled at the University of Perugia in the three-year course.
Degree in Computer and Telecommunications Engineering.
Passed all exams regarding programming and networks.
Scientific publications
Native language
Other languages
English B1


  • 2015: member of the Association for Free Geographical Information .
  • 2007: member of the executive council of CCOS (Regional Center of Expertise on Open Source)
  • 2008: founding member of the Umbrian Federation of Speleological Groups.
  • 2006: Founding member of the GNU Linux User Group of Terni.
  • 2004: volunteer technician of the National Alpine Rescue Corps .
  • Personal interests

    Hobbies and Sport
    Open source, cryptography, mtb, climbing, snowboard, paragliding, hiking, painting, photography
    Argentina, Chile, India, Ladakh, Slovenia, Switzerland
    Privacy and License
    I authorize the processing of my personal data present in my CV pursuant to art. 13 d. lgs. 30 June 2003 n. 196 - “Code on the protection of personal data" and of the art. 13 GDPR 679/16 - “European Data Protection Regulation personal".